
March 21, 2016

Does Non-Bilingual Mean Non-Employable?

Paid MFT Internships has assisted hundreds, if not thousands, of MFT registered interns in their search for a position that will allow them to get hours and get paid! Yet despite all the progress that has been made through the creation and maintenance of this valuable service, I continue to see and hear an ongoing concern from our many followers: “I’m not bilingual.” It’s true that being bilingual offers applicants an advantage in this very competitive field… but does that mean non-bilingual MFT registered interns are “non-employable”? Put another way, do non-bilingual MFT registered interns have to settle for unpaid internships, while […]
March 10, 2016

How to Master Your MFT Internship Interview

Preparation and knowledge of yourself and the work setting you’re gunning for is important in rocking your interview and getting that MFT internship. While these questions are not all-inclusive, being able to come up with thoughtful responses for these questions will ensure you’re on the way to mastering your MFT internship interview! Always remember to be yourself. If you feel as if you must put on an act, then that job is probably not the one for you. And remember to BREATHE – you’ve got this! Getting to Know You 1. Tell us about yourself. 2. Why do you want to work here? […]
March 5, 2016

The New BBS Requirements May Affect Your Job Search

On January 1, 2016, the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) made changes to how MFT registered interns can accrue hours toward licensure. Eric Evenson at TrackYourHours summarizes the changes in this helpful article by illustrating the differences between the old and new experience requirements. Why are these changes significant for MFT registered interns who are in the process of searching for paid MFT internships? To answer that question, we need to examine how the minimums and maximums for certain categories have changed under the new option offered by the BBS. 1. Non-Clinical Experience The Change: Under the old requirements, also known as “option 2,” non-clinical experience (which includes […]